Membership Profile

Camille Rozon

Tell us about yourself.
I’m a native of Montreal and have been living in Vancouver since 1990. I have been in the health care sector all of my career and have had the privileged of working with many amazing people over the years. I have diagnosed myself as having career ADD, which may explain why I’ve always been attracted to change. I am presently in a dual role as a performance improvement consultant within the Quality Improvement department of a large health care organization, as well as, having a role within the Learning and Organizational Change team. I am also a cancer survivor and lend my voice to supporting change from a patient perspective within the healthcare system.
How did you get into Change Management?
My formal training and involvement in project management highlighted the need for skills in change management. I have been a devotee of Prosci, following their research for a number of
yeasr, as they were the first to socialize the marriage of the two disciplines. Things just evolved from there, leading to being part of the beta test group for the ACMP CCMP™ certification.

What are you working on?
As part of my personal development I’ve studied, and subsequently acquired a certification in Neuroleadership. I am knoodling the concepts of neuroscience, change, inter-disciplinary practice readiness, resilience and conversations, as applied to quality improvement in health care.

Do you have any recommended change management books / resources to share?
Anything from David Rock – read this for a quick overview.
I’ve also just picked up the unpublished thesis from Casper Badenhorst on neuroleadership and organisational change. I’ll let you know more once I’m into it.

How do you like to spend your time outside of work? 
Easy, cooking. My sister is a Cordon Bleu chef and accountant. We always joke, that when we both become independently wealthy, we will open a restaurant together! I love all aspects of entertaining and preparing meals for family and friends. Planning, shopping, organizing, and especially eating. Which is great because my husband is a real wine aficionado, hence we’ve been together for over 20 years! I’ve started teaching cooking as well, with my girlfriend’s 4 and 6 year old. Gourmet peanut butter sandwich anyone?