The Communications Committee is responsible for:
- Publication of the monthly newsletter
- Maintaining social media account (i.e. LinkedIn)
- Maintaining content on the website
The Nominating Committee is responsible for:
- Identify and nominate eligible, suitable candidates for vacancies on the Board
- Providing a vetted slate of candidates to the membership at the annual chapter elections
The Job Posting Manager is responsible for:
- Working with the Communications Committee, offer our job posting services to recruiters and employers
- Manage the posting from the initial request to the removal of the posting
The Membership Committee is responsible for:
- Running updated membership lists for our Chapter from the ACMP Global database
- Personally connect with new, prospective and existing members via email or phone to share information and answer questions
- Spot new opportunities for membership retention strategies and communicating benefits
- Host and invite new members to a “new member meet up” welcome session
- Identify and support outreach to any lapsed members in a timely manner and encourage and/or remind them to renew