Virtual Change Chat: Prosci Webinar – Building Collaborative Relationships with Project Teams on September 20, 2019
A second virtual change chat was held on September 20 co-facilitated by Grace McKeown, Treasurer, ACMP Greater Vancouver and Andrew Horlick, Principal, Navigo Consulting & Coaching and Master Instructor, Prosci Canada.  
The topic was “Building Collaborative Relationships with Project Teams”Participants were asked to watch the Prosci Webinar “Integrating Change Management and Project Management” in advance of the session.  We discussed questions and experiences around the four dimensions:  results, people, process, tools.  These dimensions represent potential integration points between change management and project management.


Participants were polled on the following:


•             Rank the four dimensions from most to least challenging


•             What have been your most significant challenges?


•             What actions have been helpful when integrating CM and PM?


Participants ranked “results” as the most challenging dimension and described this challenges as a lack of “true understanding by Executives and PM/Project team on what Change Management actually is”.  This challenge was further described as a lack of “having a common understanding of what the project actually is. What are we trying to achieve in terms of benefits realization, rather than just the delivery of a product.”

We explored ideas on how to improve integration and what actions participants could commit to right away.  Most identified that building awareness and understanding of the change management role and benefits with the project manager, project team, and sponsors was a good place to start.  
As one member stated, “Integrating change management with project management starts with change management!”

Thank you all for the thoughtful conversation!