Perspectives on Change: intersection between the role of Business Analysts and Change Management Practitioners.
Our first Perspectives on Change session will be hosted on April 24 at 5:00 pm via Zoom with a discussion led by Lindsay MacDonald on the intersection between the role of Business Analysts and Change Management Practitioners.
Session Topic: ACMP, Prosci and others talk about the importance of integrating change management and project management and there are many articles about how the two roles can work together. In contrast there is limited information about the intersection between Change Practitioners and Business Analysts despite the opportunities for these roles to work collaboratively. Whether you have partnered successfully with BAs, or whether you are not even sure what a BA is, come and join the session and share your experiences, questions and suggestions. This will be a mix of presentation and discussion groups so that we can all learn from each other.
Presenter: Lindsay Macdonald has been working in the field of change management for over 20 years. After working with the NHS in the UK, Lindsay moved to Canada and held change management and project management roles with Health Authorities in the lower mainland. Since that time Lindsay has been working in an external consulting capacity, providing change management, project management and facilitation services to a range of public and private sector organizations. From the start of her career as a high school teacher, helping individuals, and organizations, learn and grow has remained a constant theme in her work. Lindsay is currently taking a Certificate in Business Analysis at UBC Sauder, and the connection between Change Practitioners and Business Analysts is something she is interested in exploring with you all.
Session participants: Open to all current ACMP Vancouver members and suitable for all levels of change practitioners.
Registration: All ACMP Vancouver members will receive a direct email invitation with a zoom link. Please RSVP if you would like to attend.