We are always looking for volunteers to join our small but mighty Communications Committee to take our communications efforts to the next level of effectiveness.
“Help Wanted”
If you have a background in communications (e.g. website design, developing content for new and traditional media, and/or working on communications campaigns) or would like the opportunity to add these experiences to your resume this Committee is for you. It’s also an opportunity to build valuable relationships with other members of ACMP.
The Communications Committee is responsible for ensuring that members are fully aware of the value that ACMP’s Vancouver Chapter provides so that they can use and adopt all the opportunities available to them through membership.
More specifically, we are looking to accomplish the following in the next year:
- Develop annual ACMP Communications Calendar
- Revamp ACMP Vancouver website
- Ongoing creation of meaningful content for ACMP Vancouver members
- Develop communications plans to support initiatives led by ACMP Vancouver Director of Membership, Director of Events, and Director of Partnerships
- Evaluate ACMP Vancouver’s current communications channels
- Establish communications effectiveness measures
Time commitment
The Committee will meet monthly. Depending on which activities you’d like to undertake, the time commitment will be between ~1-5 hours per month.
If you are interested in joining the Communications Committee, please email the Director of Communications Erin Creak at creakerin@gmail.com by Monday, January 29.