To better serve our Chapter membership, the Board of the ACMP Greater Vancouver Chapter has spent considerable effort to understand the “profiles” of our members and potential members. Our focus is to bring value to the diverse needs of our members – ranging from very experienced to new Change Management Practitioners, as well as people who aren’t practitioners themselves but are interested “Observers” of change management (e.g. Project Managers, Business Analysts, Recruiters, and Business Leaders).
In the upcoming year, you will see a shift in our events to reflect a more targeted approach intended to engage our diverse membership in the most meaningful way. To support this, we are restructuring the Board member roles and establishing member committees to focus on specific member segments.
Nominating Committee for Board Vacancies & Self-Nomination Process
To fill the three open 2018/2019 Board positions, the Board of Directors appointed a Nominating Committee to identify qualified and interested candidates.  Through the newsletter, emails, and conversations, the committee sought candidates that we feel will serve our members well during the two-year term.  These candidates will be presented for confirmation at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), described below.  You can learn more about the candidates here.

If you would like to self-nominate for one of the three openings, please submit a completed nomination form to by Friday, October 19th, 2018, 5:00pm.
Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 14th
Our AGM will immediately following the speaker session by Lisa Kempton.  We will be reviewing the following agenda items:
·        Activities and achievements of the previous year
·        Engagement strategy for the upcoming year
·        Confirmation of the successful candidates for the Board vacancies
·        Financials and membership status
·        Open discussion Q&A
Remember, you must be a member of ACMP Global in good standing and a Primary member of Vancouver Chapter to self-nominate or participate in the AGM.
Review the instructions on updating your membership to the Vancouver Chapter here.
If you have any questions, please e-mail